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Use the receivable configurations to manage all aspects of your receivable processes. receivable processes default values from various settings to documents and transactions to simplify data entry and automate various transactions

Receivable Option

The receivable option is defined at the Business Unit level and can be used to default various values such as Payment Term, Price List, etc., on receivable documents

To view/create/update a receivable option, navigate to the "receivable option" search screen from your dashboard/favorite.

Enter the organization/receivable option details or any other criteria in the search form and click on the search button to view an existing receivable option.
Click on create a new button to create a new receivable option; by manually entering all the information, You can create receivable options only for newly created business units. The business unit name is not updatable once a receivable option is saved for a business unit.

If you don't enter organization details, the system will show you all the receivable options. If your organization has configured to make any field mandatory for search, then you have to enter those fields to search receivable options.
The application will fetch all the server data and take you to the search result screen. The search result screen looks a bit different on desktop and mobile devices.

To view the search result in a table format, click on the table icon available on the bottom left corner.

To open a specific receivable option, click on the menu of that record, and click on view/fetch & view.

You can also click on the expand icon against any item on the search result screen to view the receivable option details such as business unit name, payment term, price list, etc.

The system will fetch all the data related to the selected receivable option. The receivable option details are shown either right to the search result screen or on a separate screen, depending on the device size.

Scroll left, right, up, down to view all the details. The receivable option line and details are shown in a separate tab. The default configuration shows fields in various functional groups such as

  • Finance
  • Entity
  • Reference
  • Data
  • Control
  • Etc

You can configure the application to show which fields should be shown under which group. You can also create new groups as per your business requirements.

All Fields
NameSequenceLabelInputTypeField Group
10vvBuOrgBu OrgdeferredSelectENTITY
10vvBuOrgCodeBu Org CodedeferredSelectENTITY
20vvPaymentTermPayment TermdeferredSelectFINANCE
30vvPriceListPrice ListdeferredSelectFINANCE
40vvPaymentTermDescriptionPayment Term DescriptionInputType.textFieldFINANCE
50vvShipToAddressNameShip To Address NamedeferredSelectENTITY
60vvShipToAddressShip To AddressdeferredSelectENTITY
70vvShipToCountryShip To CountrydeferredSelectENTITY
80vvShipToPostalCodeShip To Postal CodedeferredSelectENTITY
90vvShipToEmailShip To EmaildeferredSelectENTITY
100vvShipToPhoneShip To PhonedeferredSelectENTITY
110vvBillToAddressNameBill To Address NamedeferredSelectPLANNING
120vvBillToAddressBill To AddressdeferredSelectPLANNING
130vvBillToCountryBill To CountrydeferredSelectPLANNING
140vvBillToPostalCodeBill To Postal CodedeferredSelectPLANNING
150vvBillToEmailBill To EmaildeferredSelectPLANNING
160vvBillToPhoneBill To PhonedeferredSelectPLANNING
170sdreceivableOptionIdSd receivable Option IdInputType.numberREFERENCE
180buOrgIdBu Org IddeferredSelectREFERENCE
190paymentTermIdPayment Term IddeferredSelectREFERENCE
200mdmPriceListHeaderIdMdm Price List Header IddeferredSelectREFERENCE
210shipToIdShip To IddeferredSelectREFERENCE
220billToIdBill To IddeferredSelectPLANNING
230soApprovalHierarchySo Approval HierarchyInputType.selectDEFAULT
240quoteApprovalHierarchyQuote Approval HierarchyInputType.selectDEFAULT
250invOrgIdInv Org IddeferredSelectREFERENCE
260defaultLineTypeDefault Line TypeInputType.selectCONTROL
5270createdByCreated ByInputType.textFieldREFERENCE
5280creationDateCreation DateInputType.dateTimeREFERENCE
5290lastUpdatedByLast Updated ByInputType.textFieldREFERENCE
5300lastUpdateDateLast Update DateInputType.dateTimeREFERENCE

Customer Item Info

Customer item Info record is a source of information for receivable on a specific item and customer/site of that item. It contains the customer-specific fixed lot multiplier, price, lead time, etc. You can maintain customer item Info on a customer or customer site level. If customer item Info records are not maintained for an item, the system uses the corresponding values from the item master.

To view/create/update a customer item Info, navigate to the "customer item info" search screen from your dashboard/favorite.

Enter the organization/customer item Info details or any other criteria in the search form and click on the search button to view an existing customer item Info.
Click on create a new button to create a new customer- item Info; by manually entering all the information, You can create customer item Info only for newly created business units. The business unit name is not updatable once a customer item Info is saved for a business unit.

If you don't enter organization details, the system will show you all the customer item Infos. If your organization has configured to make any field mandatory for search, then you have to enter those fields to search customer item Infos.
The application will fetch all the server data and take you to the search result screen. The search result screen looks a bit different on desktop and mobile devices.

To view the search result in a table format, click on the table icon available on the bottom left corner.

To open a specific customer item Info, click on the menu of that record, and click on view/fetch & view.

You can also click on the expand icon against any item on the search result screen to view the customer item Info details such as business unit name, payment term, price list, etc.

The system will fetch all the selected customer item Info data. The customer item Info details are shown either right to the search result screen or in a separate screen, depending on the device size.

Scroll left, right, up, down to view all the details. The customer-item Info line details are shown in a separate tab. The default configuration shows fields in various functional groups such as

  • Finance
  • Entity
  • Reference
  • Data
  • Control
  • Etc

You can configure the application to show which fields should be shown under which group. You can also create new groups as per your business requirements.

All Fields
NameSequenceLabelInputTypeField Group
10vvCustomerNameCustomer NamedeferredSelectENTITY
10vvCustomerNumberCustomer NumberdeferredSelectDATA
20vvCustomerSiteNameCustomer Site NamedeferredSelectENTITY
30vvCustomerSiteNumberCustomer Site NumberdeferredSelectDATA
40vvItemNumberItem NumberdeferredSelectDEFAULT
50vvItemDescriptionItem DescriptiondeferredSelectDEFAULT
60vvUomCodeUom CodedeferredSelectDEFAULT
70sdCustomerItemInfoIdSd Customer Item Info IdInputType.numberPLANNING
80arCustomerIdAr Customer IddeferredSelectREFERENCE
90arCustomerSiteIdAr Customer Site IddeferredSelectREFERENCE
100buOrgIdBu Org IddeferredSelectREFERENCE
110invItemMasterIdInv Item Master IddeferredSelectREFERENCE
120custPartNumberCust Part NumberInputType.textFieldDATA
140businessTypeBusiness TypeInputType.textFieldCONTROL
160leadTimeLead TimeInputType.numberPLANNING
170unitPriceUnit PriceInputType.textFieldFINANCE
5190createdByCreated ByInputType.textFieldREFERENCE
5200creationDateCreation DateInputType.dateTimeREFERENCE
5210lastUpdatedByLast Updated ByInputType.textFieldREFERENCE
5220lastUpdateDateLast Update DateInputType.dateTimeREFERENCE

Document Sequence

Document sequence generates unique numbers for various documents such as Purchase Order, Purchase Agreement, receivable Order, Delivery Number, etc. All the seeded sequence starts with number 1. However, you can change it to a different value before starting to use the application.

A document sequence consists of 4 element

  1. Prefix
  2. Unique Number
  3. Suffix
  4. Delimiter

To view/create/update a document sequence, navigate to the "document sequence" search screen from your dashboard/favorite.

Enter the entity name/document sequence details or any other criteria in the search form and click on the search button to view an existing document sequence.
Click on create a new button to create a new document sequence; by manually entering all the information, Copying an existing document sequence to a new document sequence is always better than manually entering all the data to create a new document sequence.

If you don't enter document sequence details, the system will show you all the document sequences. If your organization has configured to make any field mandatory for search, then you have to enter those fields to search document sequences.
The application will fetch all the server data and take you to the search result screen. The search result screen looks a bit different on desktop and mobile devices.

To view the search result in a table format, click on the table icon available on the bottom left corner.

To open a specific document sequence, click on the menu of that record, and click on view/fetch & view.

You can also click on the expand icon against any item on the search result screen to view the document sequence details such as business unit name, payment term, price list, etc.

The system will fetch all the data related to the selected document sequence. The document sequence details are shown either right to the search result screen or in a separate screen, depending on the device size.

Scroll left, right, up, down to view all the details. The document sequence line and details are shown in a separate tab. The default configuration shows fields in various functional groups such as

  • Reference
  • Data

You can configure the application to show which fields should be shown under which group. You can also create new groups as per your business requirements.

While creating a new document sequence, you can click on the select icon on the entity name field to search and select an entity name.

Click on the search button to search available entity names. Click on the select action buttons to select the entity.

All Fields
NameSequenceLabelInputTypeField Group
10sysDocSequenceIdSys Doc Sequence IdInputType.numberREFERENCE
10entityNameEntity NamedeferredSelectDEFAULT
20docPrefixDoc PrefixInputType.textFieldDEFAULT
30nextNumberNext NumberInputType.numberDATA
40docSufixDoc SufixInputType.textFieldDEFAULT
50docDelimiterDoc DelimiterInputType.textFieldDEFAULT
60leOrgIdLe Org IddeferredSelectREFERENCE
70buOrgIdBu Org IddeferredSelectREFERENCE
80invOrgIdInv Org IddeferredSelectREFERENCE
5090createdByCreated ByInputType.textFieldREFERENCE
5100creationDateCreation DateInputType.dateTimeREFERENCE
5110lastUpdatedByLast Updated ByInputType.textFieldREFERENCE
5120lastUpdateDateLast Update DateInputType.dateTimeREFERENCE

Document Type - Line

Document Type is defined at the instance level and can be used to control and default various values on the receivable order line.

To view/create/update a Document Type, navigate to the "Document Type" search screen from your dashboard/favorite.

Enter the Document Type details or any other criteria in the search form and click on the search button to view an existing Document Type.
Click on create a new button to create a new Document Type; by manually entering all the information,

The application will fetch all the server data and take you to the search result screen. The search result screen looks a bit different on desktop and mobile devices. If your organization has configured to make any field mandatory for search, then you have to enter those fields to search Document Types.

To view the search result in a table format, click on the table icon available on the bottom left corner.

To open a specific Document Type, click on the menu of that record, and click on view/fetch & view.

You can also click on the expand icon against any item on the search result screen to view the Document Type details such as business unit name, payment term, price list, etc.

The system will fetch all the data related to the selected Document Type. The Document Type details are shown either right to the search result screen or on a separate screen depending on the device size.

Scroll left, right, up, down to view all the details. The Document Type line and details are shown in a separate tab. The default configuration shows fields in various functional groups such as

  • Finance
  • Entity
  • Reference
  • Data
  • Control
  • Etc

You can configure the application to show which fields should be shown under which group. You can also create new groups as per your business requirements.

All Fields
NameSequenceLabelInputTypeField Group
10sdDocumentTypeIdSd Document Type IdInputType.numberCONTROL
10srcEntityNameSrc Entity NamedeferredSelectDEFAULT
20srcEntityIdSrc Entity IdInputType.textFieldREFERENCE
30documentTypeCodeDocument Type CodeInputType.textFieldCONTROL
40buOrgIdBu Org IddeferredSelectREFERENCE
50journalProfileIdJournal Profile IdInputType.numberREFERENCE
60soDocumentLevelSo Document LevelInputType.selectDEFAULT
70soDocumentTypeSo Document TypedeferredSelectCONTROL
80supplySourceSupply SourceInputType.textFieldDEFAULT
110processFlowIdProcess Flow IdInputType.numberREFERENCE
120defaultLineDocumentDefault Line DocumentInputType.numberPLANNING
130priceListHeaderIdPrice List Header IdInputType.numberREFERENCE
140defaultShipfromOrgIdDefault Shipfrom Org IddeferredSelectPLANNING
150destinationTypeDestination TypeInputType.textFieldCONTROL
160arTransactionTypeAr Transaction TypeInputType.textFieldCONTROL
170arTransactionSourceAr Transaction SourceInputType.textFieldDEFAULT
5180createdByCreated ByInputType.textFieldREFERENCE
5190creationDateCreation DateInputType.dateTimeREFERENCE
5200lastUpdatedByLast Updated ByInputType.textFieldREFERENCE
5210lastUpdateDateLast Update DateInputType.dateTimeREFERENCE